The guys are promoting their board game and are now engaged in a marketing company for which this video was created.
This animation was created to advertise a construction company on social networks according to the script of the supplier.
Final advertisement of the "FRENTER" website for social networks
The client was satisfied with the previous videos and decided to expand his video range of advertisements to further promote his site through social networks
The client liked a small advertisement for social networks and ordered the next one, I am glad when my clients are happy)
The client ordered this advertisement for his marketing company on social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram
The company placed an order to advertise their services in the form of a short explainer video for social networks such as Facebook or Instagram
This animation was created for kids to learn different colors
The client was satisfied with the previous work and ordered another animation
This animation was created to advertise a corporate communications application
The animation was created to promote the SOLGUSTA website
This animation describes a number of possibilities that modern schools can have and even in the situation in which the whole world now finds itself due to COVID-19.
The company was delighted with the first video and ordering another one for their marketing company and again in 6 languages of the world. This is an example in English
The company asked me to make a video for their marketing campaign in 6 languages. This is an example in English
The client was satisfied with the previous video and ordered another one to advertise the services of his fitness center
Advertising of the services of the fitness center, which it provides online, each client will receive an individual trainer
Telephone company advertisement
Ad courses that can unleash your potential in art and other fields
Advertising a company that will help you learn how to multiply your capital through investments
I will create commercial advertising animated video