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Language Club Project

Invite to Job
- This project is about learning a new language. On the “Home” page you can notice different sections. You can navigate through different routes from the navigation bar. - You will see all the instructors on the “Instructors” page and all the classes approved by admin on the “Classes” page. - Implemented Authentication using Firebase and Authorization using JWT. - This project also has the implementation of Admin, Instructors and Student functionality. An Admin can manage classes and users. An Instructor can add a class that will be shown to the “Classes” page if approved by the Admin and can see all his added classes. A Student can select any class for him/her. - This site also has an implementation of a demo payment integration system. Technology used: Tailwind CSS, DaisyUi, JavaScript, React.js, React Hook Form, Firebase, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JWT.
Published:June 28, 2023
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