My Skills:
xd to HTML5, CSS3and JavaScript
PSD To Html, CSS and JS
So, These are my skills. Now I explain about skills one by one.
For front-end I use HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Because HTML use for website structure building and CSS use for website design purpose. JavaScript is client side scripting language but I use basic JavaScript for the front-end purpose. One more thing which is very important for responsive web development which is Bootstrap language. Bootstrap is framework of HTML and CSS. Through Bootstrap developer create very responsive websites.
PHP I use for the back-end purpose. I also work in the advanced PHP for the website development or developers use PHP for dynamic websites. I am expert in PHP quires. I also work in the object oriented PHP. But the very most important I think is my skill is Laravel. Laravel is PHP framework. Laravel is use for the full stack development. Both front-end and back-end create in the Laravel.
For Database purpose, I use MySQL. I know about each and everything about the MySQL. MySQL is very easy to use for developers and very easy to understand for the clients. Easily create complete database design in the MySQL.
So, these are the some my skills and also I explain about my skills each and everything which is very easy for everyone to understand my skills and my work.
Thanks You Very Much!