I am a skilled and experienced front-end/back-end developer with a passion for crafting End-to-End solutions that prioritize user experience. With over 15+ years of experience in the industry, I have worked on a diverse range of projects, ranging from Point-Of-Sale to Complete ERP systems.
🎗️08+ years of experience in ASP.NET Web Applications
🎗️05+ Devexpress
🎗️15+ years of Crystal Reports
🎗️08+ years of experience in WebAPI using ASP.NET Core WebAPI
🎗️03+ years of Python FastAPI experience
🎗️05+ years of JWT Authentication experience
🎗️15+ years of ADO.NET experience
🎗️03+ years of Dapper ORM experience
🎗️03+ years of Native Mobile App Development
🎗️20+ years of experience in database
🎗️03+ years of experience in Python FastAPI with Pydantic Models
🎗️20+ experience of in office automation
My areas of expertise include Software Development, Data Science, Databases, Application deployment, Business Process Re-Engineering, Risks, and Control. I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and industries to continuously improve my skills.
🎗️ASP.NET Webforms using C# / Windows Forms
🎗️SAP Crystal Reports
🎗️WebAPI using ASP.NET Core WebAPI / Python FastAPI / JWT Authentication
🎗️MYSQL, MSSQL (SQL Server), Postgres
🎗️Big Data handling using SQL, Python Pandas, Power Query
🎗️Automation using Python Openpyxl, Pandas, VBA, UiPath RPA
🎗️Native Mobile Apps using Xamarin/MAUI
If you are seeking a reliable and talented freelance back-end developer who can create applications with a customer-centric mindset, has detailed B2B and B2C business knowledge, and can help you achieve your business goals, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
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