In the legal/economic fields, I have gained most experience with disability and universal design, mainly with EU texts. I myself have mild locomotor disability. In addition to other voluntary activities, I do occasional translations for SUHANJ! Foundation, as well as for UNICEF Hungary, so I am well aware of children's rights. I am familiar with the field of sports, culture/arts, or even social sciences and psychology, because I am basically an open-minded, curious person, I get a lot of information. I gained the experience described above at the Budapest Association for Persons with Physical Disabilities, and participated in an EU translation project, translated for a community website operated by Armenians, and undertook other volunteer-based translations in addition to the volunteer work mentioned above.
SUHANJ! Foundation
Sep 2017 – Present
Budapest, Hungary
Voluntary work
UNICEF Hungary
Jul 2014 – Present
Budapest, Hungary
Voluntary work
Budapest Association for Persons with Physical Disabilities