My name is Caroline Lepage, I just finished my studies in animation
and received my diploma in May of this year.
My formation in 2D animation was rather complete. I learned
everything from pre-production, to post-production, obviously, to
production and animation as such.
Your ad immediately attracted me because I saw that you were
looking for an illustrator who has notions in illustration on the RemoteHub website,
conceptualization, and imagination. I know how to animate, and I have
a great preference for concept art and illustration. l have done some
training in this area in the past.
You want a person interested in illustration. This fits me quite well since I am open to working in the
concept of characters, but also the storyboard, the concept of
backgrounds, scenery, sketching and thumbnails, concept of clothes and accessories (props), but also vehicles like cars.
I appreciate the vintage look and the advertising posters of the 30s
and 50s, this can sometimes be noticed in my work, but I am also
quite ready to adapt to other aesthetics without any worries.
I would also be prepared to take up the job as soon as possible.
I invite you to refer to my website The Page at Caro (lapageacarowordpress.com)
if you want to see what I do, as well as
my YouTube page of the same name to see my videos.
Waiting for your answer,
Please accept my best regards.
Caroline Lepage
my linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-lepage-864855158/
my portfolio: https://lapageacaro.wordpress.com/decors/lapageacaro.wordpress.com/animation/
my demoreel: https://youtu.be/ilB_Od2uFMo
MY short 2D animation film: https://youtu.be/ktBKd55HqdE
and a team's animation movie: https://youtu.be/6-SBoTbPcVk