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Faiq Laiq

Unity (2D + 3D) | WebGl | Playcanvas Developer

Lahore, Pakistan
Game Developer at Tilting Point
Joined August 5, 2021



Native or Bilingual
Native or Bilingual
Elite Game Developer to provide you with scalable, architecture-based, and super optimized games, having 4+ years experience, developed 25+ games including four (4) open world and five (5) Multi-Player (Real-Time + Turned Based) games. Ready to start working on your dreams to make them a reality. Core skills: ------------- ✔ Unity 2D + 3D ✔ Playcanvas ✔ Web Games 2D + 3D ✔ .Net API writing + deployment on Azure ✔ Photon2 (Javascript + C#) for Multiplayer (Real-Time + Turn-Based) ✔ Facebook, Firebase, Playfab, In-app purchases, and other third-party SDKs integration. ✔ 3D controllers and configurators (web + mobile) ✔ Unreal Engine ✔ Source code management tools: Github, Bitbucket, Assembla, SVN ✔ Languages: C#, Javascript, C++, Java, python ✔ Agile and Scrum for Software Development with tools like JIRA, Assembla, Trello, and ClickUp. Worked With --------------- ✔ Geniteam: A well know game development software house in Pakistan (2+ years). ✔ International clients with excellent reviews (1+ years) ✔ Fate: A very innovative startup (2 years). Past Projects ---------------- ✔ Sum (Unity): A 2D game 2048 like game with excellent 2D visual effects. ✔ Paintball (Unity): A 3D Real-Time multiplayer FPS game with fantastic mechanics and guns filled with paint instead of bullets to color up things. ✔ N2Y Games (Unity): 100+ games for physically impaired kids. ✔ Chaloub Pac Man (Playcanvas): Highly optimized web game with great graphics. ✔ Words Pairs (Playcanvas): 16 cards game hiding 7-word pairs, one (1) monster, and one (1) hero card using reusable and maintainable coding techniques. ✔ Rare Dartboard (Playcavsa): A 3D Web-Based dart game with real dart game effects and rules.
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Tilting Point
Dec 2020 – Present
Game Developer
Snapchat Game
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Aug 2018 – Mar 2021
Lahore, Pakistan
Software Engineer