Here to obtain more professional experiences, especially to better appreciate the benefits of working remotely and learn to improve my skills while having the opportunity to contribute to the success of your organization's mission.
US Embassy Port au Prince, Haiti
Sep 2018 – Jan 2022
Accountant / Cashier
* Receiving, sorting, and opening incoming mail from vendors and employees. Ensuring that payments are made in a prompt and timely manner to take advantage of trade and cash discounts, and to avoid late payment penalty interests. * Addressing incoming telephone queries / Researching and responding to incoming and/or ongoing email queries. * Contacting vendors to inform them about failed payments and determine reasons. Also contacting Disbursing office, if necessary, then request correction of vendor information. Corresponding with CGFS Currency Disbursing Office regarding all payments in excess of USD$100,000. Dealing regularly with a variety of outside organizations on matters pertaining to Accounts Payables. * Assuring that established controls are followed to prevent improper or duplicate payments.