Skilled and results-oriented Software Engineer with 8+ years of experience including 6+ years of experience on Java working in a variety of environments with a breadth of programs and technologies.
#Tech Stack:
- Java(8, 11, 17)
- Spring(Boot, Web, WebFlux, Data(JPA, MongoDB, Envers), AOP, Security, AMQP, Cloud(Config, Circuit Breaker))
- Hibernate, QueryDSL
- Flyway
- MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Resilience4j, Jsoup
- TDD(JUnit(4, 5), Mockito)
- Gradle, Maven, Git(trunk-based, feature branches)
- AWS(Elastic BeanStalk, EC2, S3, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, CodeCommit), Azure(Pipelines), Elastic Stack
- Kubernetes, Docker