I am System Engineer, near of 20 years experience, my consider one person analytic, proactive, ethical, I love the digital world.
May 2017 – Aug 2020
VEN Leader Facility Administrator
Manager and administrated of each facility inside Venezuela, the main achiever 35% cost reduction, beside one
upgrade of contracts, refresh of process, implementation of budget, cost regulations and administration on the
maintenance and improvement on each one, and develop of tool systemic for the data flow. On resume these were:
Administraty (Business Data Analytics): Cost Control, Forecast Cost, Projects Administration, Provider
Contract, General Services, Staffs Administrations, Planning Proyect, Logistic Services.
Operations: Facility maintenance (13 Bases), reparations, build, building improvements, facility security,
administration of lift truck, cranes, bays, electric plant, others.
Jun 2012 – May 2017
Champion SharePoint (Develop System) | IT Coordinator
I developed digital process on the each department on the organization that could be made with this tool, transferred
manual activity to automate process, reached cost saving, some of them were implemented on others country, by
this actions were needed:
Documentation: Actual Situation, Vision, Target, Diagram Flow, Data, Workflow, Approbation.
Design: Tables, Relations, Forms, Pages, Reports, Access Control, Rules.
Develop: Code, Group access, Charts. Implemented: Training, final documents.