am part time freelancer who can achieve tasks related to typing. I can manage to deliver every tasks i have confirmed with a maximum level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, i have good communication skills to handle any type of customer. I guarantee to do my best in any task and bring the best outcome to the customer as well.
Service Skills
Aug 2022 â Present
Data entry
The book writer is the member of a musical's writing team who creates the bookâthe musical's plot, character development, and dramatic structure. Essentially, the book writer is the playwright of the musical. He or she works very closely in collaboration with the lyricist and composer to create an integrated piece of drama. There is a common misconception that the book writer merely writes the dialogue; though the book does include the musical's spoken text, it is much more than that, defining and organizing the dramatic action of the entire piece, including action that is musicalized by the songwriter(s). Even "sung-through," "operatic," or "through-composed" musicals, where there is little, if any, spoken text, require as much contribution from a book writer as do musicals with extensive dialogue scenes. The book writer is often also the musical's lyricist, composer, or director.