brazilian law. Teacher/ international Lawyer / translater part time ENG>BR ; ENG>ITA ; BR>ENG ; ITA>BR ; ITA>ENG/
hello mate , how are you? my name is leo and im a professional lawyer from brazil. part time translater /teacher ( love to do that).
i already translated more then 100 projects , including some out of my area. my last one was to a channel of trade market( nice to know about that) and im open to a new ideas/job. feel free to ask me.
Internation LA associados.
Jan 2020 – Dec 2020
International Lawyer Translator
I was responsible for attending meetings, finalizing negotiations and transcribing documents / sworn and non-sworn texts, as well as typing certificates in the languages mentioned.
Escola Técnica de Inglês
Jan 2018 – Dec 2020
professor de ingles , italiano na escola técnica , porém por motivos pessoais tive que abandonar o emprego.