I can speak English French and Arabic.
I am also able to speak clearly and effectively and write tight and readable prose. During summers as a college student, I worked as an intern at the United Nations, translating political speeches and legal documents from one language to another. I would also assist immigrants and foreign-speaking clients at Centurion Legal Group. With this experience, I can be relied on to translate technical documents like corporate earnings reports, instruction manuals for products and forecasts of upcoming market trends. I can also translate more colloquial material, like staff emails and translate back and forth between Foundry's employees and visiting foreign clients.
I am deeply grateful for your time and attention in considering me for this position. Foreign language skills are immensely useful in a complex, interconnected and global business world, and I would be honored to apply my abilities to help grease the wheels of your business relationships and assist Foundry in attaining yet greater success.