Fresh challenges in different places and on diverse endeavours offered uncommon attractions for me especially when such would afford me an opportunity to learn and lend my service toward general and specialised improvements.
Blocking huge leakages associated with sloppy and disjointed bookkeeping processes, bloated wage bill with components of paid idle hours were part of my mandate at the beginning of my current post. And currently all those issues and many more have been laid to rest.
In addition to these, several cost management and minimisation procedures and processes were introduced towards the effective discharge of my duties, culminating in designing a series of data collection and analysis tools to enhance effective monitoring productivity and profitability of profit centres. Thus my job at empowering managers at all levels, through relevant reporting and presentations has been of great impact towards smooth, proactive, effective and more relevant decision making culture.
Other roles like periodic journalisation, reconciliation, administrative roles like online marketing and Client interface and Client growth or Customer representation constitute an integral part of my responsibilities to date.
The ongoing, has shown that my current job revolves around impeccable data entry and analysis; customer relations and aggregate team success. Above all, I have an uncommon aptitude to learn something new at all times.
A creative person per excellence, with exceptional communication skills, a team player and strong attention to details are some of my profound catchment points.
I must also state here that all information entrusted to my care in the discharge of my duty are assured of highest level of safety and secrecy.