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Pramusuari Jaha

I am an alumnus of Satya Wacana Christian University, Faculty of Information Technology with a major in Public Relations

Waikabubak , Indonesia
Studied Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Information Technology at Satya Wacana Christian University
Marketing & Advertising
Joined July 5, 2022


I have hobbies in the field of marketing and advertising, I developed my hobbies through the major I took when I was in college, namely Public Relations. The knowledge that I can implement in my business and also become an Instagram admin of one of the agencies in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia for 3 years. Not only have the ability in marketing and advertising, I can also create and design information that will be published to social media. I hope I can work your company, ladies and gentlemen and implement my science and experience.
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Tourism and Culture Office, West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia.
May 2019 – Dec 2019
Jalan Wee Karou, Loli District, Waikabubak City, West Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
Marketing Field
When In 2019 to complete my studies. The campus assigns assignments to complete the internship program. I chose the West Sumba Tourism and Culture Office in the field of marketing in accordance with the major I took. The tasks I work on when implementing the internship program are: - Create a social media account in the form of Instagram as a platform to share activities related to Sumba culture. So that Sumba can be known more widely. - Controlling Instagram until 2022 - Documenting the activities of the West Sumba Tourism and Culture Office and also the cultural activities of West Sumba - Participated in BBTF(Bali Beyond Travel Fair) activities and learned how to promote Sumba tourist attractions.
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Satya Wacana Christian University
Sep 2016 – Apr 2020
Bachelor's Degree, Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Information Technology