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Rashid Irshad

Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Freelancer at Freelance
Studied Web Technologies at NUST
Joined November 25, 2020
Over 10 years of experience in computer field. Expert in reaching all kinds of targets. Can easily find opportunities. Extensive knowledge of several computer programming languages . Meeting the needs of all stakeholders using agile methods is my solid skill. I create cost effective solutions. Have in depth knowledge of ERP, MIS and project management. I believe in providing solutions rather than creating questions. Skills Overview: Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills. MIS and ERP Expert Expert in Primavera and MS-Project SAP HANA, AI, legal, language,currency conversions using SAP, conversion of accounts from QuickBooks and Tally Python AI, DS, OOP,Web (Django). Over 5 years of experience Wordpress backend expert (Plugin development). Expert in Angular JS. Expert in theme integration. Over 10 years of experience. Have solid skills in html,css, angular js, Javascript, jquery and bootstrap. I always had separate design department. I can create a theme(PSD-HTML/CSS) but you can say I am intermediate at theme design. I am expert in theme development inserting code, making pages. I use Angular JS for front-end design/development. I have integrated PHP, Wordpress, Joomla, Woocommerce, OSCommerce, Moodle, ASP.NET, Python and JSP code in themes and templates. Have created over 100 intranet/Internet websites/web apps using different web tools and technologies. Working knowledge of Java for automated tests using Selinium Expert in using REST, SOAP, Payment Gateways, Auth APIs etc. Have created many websites using forms and two websites using MVC in ASP.NET and C#. Have implemented a support intranet desktop app using C# WCF. We needed to communicate images (the query handling) at faster rate with a message and generate daily reports for the support technicians working under Network Admin. I also implemented online browser version for daily weekly and monthly reports using WebAPI. Have developed CRUD apps in laravel. Have developed a website to make some of Schools ERP modules live using Laravel. Have developed a website in CFML. Have used Angular Working experience of Sellinium (Cucumber, Maven POM, DDT, PDT, DBDT, log4j,hybrid framework, testNG, POM as build tool, JenKins CI, GitHub etc. Expert in UI, database, API testing). Have used JIRA Software and Service Desk for support dept. (Over 5 years of experience) Working knowledge of Mobile Apps but dont have commercial experience. Adobe Illustrator for slicing, editing, making small graphics changes, picking colors etc. for templates. Quickbooks, Tally and SAP Conversion Pitman's Shorthand Have taken training of IELTS general. Have knowledge of NEIBOSH Currently working on: I had time due to CORONA and I created videos on Web Technologies for marketing purposes. I have created all the videos for Tutors3. Visit Thorough understanding of computer hardware and software, including experience working in all parts of software development cycle. Fluent in SAP, PMP, several programming languages, including PHP, C#, Java, C++, R data analysis language, database softwares MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle Admin, project management software Primavera, Accounting solutions Peach Tree, Tally. Comfortable with development using Wordpress and Joomla. Honesty and Integrity Come First, Inspiration Engages Employees, Competence Gives Employees Assurance, Fair-minded Leaders Motivate Their Team and Supportive Managers Help Employees Succeed
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Jan 2010 – Present
Currently working on: Some of links Deops Software - Wordpress Working on Devops Software using Wordpress. Tasks, client, users and other features. Visit WordPress Plugin and Themes Have created 10's of plugins and theme integration using wordpress. DOM manipulation using pure JavaScript and liberaries. Riphah Customer Support System -Developed complete system for level-1 and 2 Examination System -Customization of Opensource XAMPP based web application for exams at NICON. ERP for Schools C#.NET based ERP for Schools. HIMS Customization of Smarty based Hospital Information Management System for Railway General Hospital Rawalpindi.
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Jan 2000 – Jan 2002
PGD-IT, Web Technologies