Remote full-time Freelancer Senior technologist and software development Architect with an exemplary 14+yrs track record of success in product development, software architecture, technical & operations management. Experienced in managing projects, leading teams and engineering products with exposure to customer interactions, product conceptualization and innovation. Performed key roles in projects with General Electric(GE), UBS Bank, Bank of America(MBNA), Avaya, ENBD Emirates Bank, KFMC, ACTEVA,, Kao Saloan Partener, Medipharmacy Group, ELO Touch Solutions, Opallios, Accretive Health, TSYS, ITC, SAP Labs and IBM. Worked at various International locations like Spain, USA, UK, Bangkok and Malaysia for short terms assignments. Extensive experience with handling the dispersed teams and clients within cross culture domain. Help several organizations to save their Budget and improve their Technology strength by acting as mediators between the outsourced Party and the main Organization to bring their Project back under their own development and support by taking the Ownership of the Project. Capable of handling large scale enterprise projects on single hands and love to challenge the technology stacks to the extents that’s the reason to work with different technologies in parallel. Experience in architecting and deploying Cloud/Virtualization solutions (IAAS/PAAS/SAAS) for the enterprise customers on live Cloud platforms like Amazon EC2 (via AWS),Google Cloud (GCP), Google Firebase, Oracle Compute Cloud, Digital Ocean and SAP Monsoon along with containerized deployment on Kubernetes, Open Shift & Docker(s) as well.