professional services aimed at increasing efficiency and optimizing production processes and business activities, consisting of:
- analysis of current production processes and processes;
- elaboration of a project proposal for the production and streamlining of workplaces, the use of human resources, the supply and registration of warehouses, material flows;
- submission of a proposal for the organizational structure of business and economic activities, sales, MTZ, cooperation, analytics of accounting, payroll and other related processes;
- submission of a proposal for the organizational structure of production and technical activities, such as TPV, TOV, Production, Planning;
- elaboration of management system design, including information system, planning, reporting and controlling;
- elaboration of business-financial plan, Cash-Flow plan, financial analysis;
- plant / plant construction;
- purchase of technology and equipment;
- human resources recruitment;
- introduction of a quality classification system according to ISO 9001: 2008 (quality management), ISO 14001: 2004 (environmental management), OHSAS 18001: 2007 (occupational safety and health management)